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Zoom Picture Rounds

Picture rounds that have been formatted to suit use over a video conferencing call.

Run the Powerpoint show, then share your screen and choose the picture round.

Your participants will then all be able to see the same slide as you.

The Picture Rounds are arranged 2 pictures per slide, followed by a summary slide showing all the pictures, then a separator so you don't accidentally show the answers and finally the answers.

10 Zoom Picture Rounds - Pack 1

10 picture rounds, where celebrities names fit a particular subject.

They are available separately below, but get 10 for the price of 4 here!

British Places

10 picture of celebrities whose name is also a place in Britain, from Tony Blackburn to Tommy Fleetwood.

Also part of Pack 1 above


10 picture of celebrities whose name is also a type of fish, from Rosamund Pike to Nicola Sturgeon

Also part of Pack 1 above

Alias Smith and Jones

10 picture of celebrities whose surname is either Smith or Jones, from Matt Smith to James Earl Jones

Also part of Pack 1 above

McPicture Round

10 picture of celebrities whose surname begins Mc or Mac, from Steve McQueen to Paul McCartney

Also part of Pack 1 above


10 picture of celebrities whose name is also a colour, from Scarlett Johannson to Celo Green

Also part of Pack 1 above

Welsh Speakers

10 picture of celebrities who can or could also speak Welsh, from Ruth Jones to Nigel Owens

Also part of Pack 1 above

St Patrick's Day

10 picture of celebrities whose name is either Patrick or Patricia, from Patrick Swayze to Patricia Cornwell

Also part of Pack 1 above


10 picture of celebrities whose name (or possibly most famous character) is named Tony, from Tony Robinson to Toni Collette

Also part of Pack 1 above

Scottish Lassies

10 picture of celebrities who are all Scottish ladies, from Lulu to Lorraine Kelly.

Also part of Pack 1 above

Secret Santa

10 picture of celebrities dressed as Father Christmas, from Ben Stiller to George Clooney

Also part of Pack 1 above

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The QuizShark is Kevin Osman, who has been setting quizzes for over 25 years.



If you have any feedback on the site, or suggestions for a round you'd like to see, please get in touch at:

© 2014-2021 by  KEVIN OSMAN.

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We have lots of quizzes designed to suit running a quiz via Zoom (or other video-conferencing software).  Follow the links for Zoom in the menu above


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